Welcome to EBC!

Whether you are looking for a growing church or have come across our website by surfing the net, it is not by chance that you are visiting us and we are blessed by your interest. Continue to visit this site and plan to join us starting at 8:30 AM on Sunday morning for our weekly services. Please contact us for any information.

By welcoming you, we are simply doing what the Lord has asked of us. Come just as you are, celebrate with us and take part in worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ with joy and a wonderful spirit. Our church membership is growing in numbers and in faith. We delight to give you a place of belonging at Eglise Baptiste du Calvaire. Come join us and be part of our family. Let us work together to do our Lord’s work and contribute to our beloved Christian community. You will be glad you did.
– Dr. Jean St-Ulme, Founder & Head Pastor

Anyone who welcomes you is welcoming me, and anyone who welcomes me is welcoming the Father who sent me.

Anyone who welcomes you is welcoming me, and anyone who welcomes me is welcoming the Father who sent me.

Matthew 10:40

Follow with us


8:30 AM & 12:00 PM


8:30 AM & 12:00 PM


Tue. 7:30 PM


Tue. 7:30 PM


Fri. 7:30 PM
First Sat. Each Month 8:30 AM


Fri. 7:30 PM
First Sat. Each Month 8:30 AM